What People Are Saying

Usually nostalgia means you're looking at the past with rose-colored glasses, ignoring the realities and focusing only on "the good old days." But this book demonstrates the value of nostalgia as a reminder of what we've lost - in this case kindness - and how we can transform our future by reconnecting with it.

Every story is relatable, every story has a sliver or more of personal connection, transporting the reader to their own past, and enabling reflection on the challenges we face as adults. And by challenges I mean the natural inclination toward cynicism and social isolation. I recommend this book to readers with an appreciation for personal discovery and the positive power of nostalgia.

— S. Elkins (Verified Amazon purchaser)

Highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to taste or revisit the simple joys and kindnesses of the past. The author’s journey is enlightening and inspiring in her quest to find the ideals that brought us together a half of century ago and how we can foster and implement the same practices in the present day. We can all learn from the author’s awareness and example to try to be little kinder and gentler in the complicated and challenging world we live in today.

— Trishb (Verified Amazon purchaser)

Full disclosure: Though we’ve never met, Tammy Hader and I have been online acquaintances for several years. From the time I read one of her posts, in which she protested she wasn’t a writer, I knew she was a writer. She asked me to read Walking Old Roads when it was still in manuscript form. I happily said I would, and it reinforced everything I already believed about her.

Tammy’s observations are touchingly insightful and brilliantly expressed. Her command of and reverence for the language is such that reading her work can be disorienting. Here’s why: She turns phrases in ways that make you stop and marvel — even as you’re driven to read on, to get to her next thoughts, to learn more about how she sees the world and why. When I find myself in that disorientation, all I can do is smile admiringly.

Most importantly, Tammy has a discernible voice. She uses it to question herself and her perceptions while at the same time revealing the love for the people, places, and events about which she’s writing. And making all of that beautifully accessible. If you think that’s easy, try it sometime. You’ll realize it takes a very special gift. Tammy Hader has that gift. I hope you’re as grateful as I am for her sharing it with us.

— Mark Nelson O’Brien, Writer and Brand Manager

Without question, the right book at the right time for so many who will look upon Tammy’s personal adventures as a mirror, reflecting slices of life from their past. Her storytelling is an extraordinary blend of candor, elegance, and raw honesty, all seamlessly stitched together in a symphony of words. Tammy captures the reader’s interest by drawing them into her story as if they were peeking over her shoulder at every juncture. This “must read” book is a profound example of grand storytelling at its very best, underpinned by a keen sense of self. A 5-star read, indeed.

—Dennis J. Pitocco, Chief Reimaginator at 360° NATION

Tammy Hader captures the power of life’s lessons learned through memory—aka EXPERIENCE! Walking Old Roads leads us down the path of the past—no matter how painful—to bring blessings into our present and create peace of mind in our future. Walking Old Roads with mature eyes can be eye-opening and life changing.

— Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, International Award-winning Author


After retiring from a 30-year accounting career in 2017, I decided to reinvent myself as a writer. If you would like to know what I have to say, here are the ways you can find my current published work and get a heads up on my upcoming releases.


Read my work as published on Medium, BizCatalyst360, WebMD, National Association of Baby Boomer Women, and more.


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